Here's a list of some projects I've done.
They're mostly for fun and learning. Although some may become more "official" open source projects I'll support and maintain.
Resume generator
A React library(WIP) that can generate a resume to be output in HTML/CSS. Uses styled components for themeing and customization. CSS Grid is used for layout.
Lofi hip-hop video viewer
React/Express app that pulls videos from Youtube using their API. Data is stored in redis and served to React via GraphQL.
Taekwondo Patterns Review
React Native app(WIP) that lists all patterns in ITF Taekwondo. You can review specific moves in a pattern and save notes locally to your phone. Converted from an android app to be available on iOS and android.
Rust Static Site Generator
Static site generator built in Rust that pulls data from a json file that then constructs a static site that you can deploy to a web server.
Wikipedia Summaries
Get a summary on a particular topic from wikipedia. Written in Go and React
Daily Programmer Practice
A React/Express app that gives you a random submission from r/dailyprogrammer
Wallpaper Viewer
A React/Express app that grabs data from the reddit api, allows user to view wallpapers from r/wallpapers